Share Your Support
Make a donation
Every dollar donated keeps good food from going to waste while nourishing our community. At Free Food we take care to maximize every gift, investing back into Refettorio Harlem’s core food recovery and food assistance programs, supportive services, education and training to deepen and grow our impact in the community. We are proud of our network of supporters, volunteers and team members working together to make a difference. Join Us in spreading more love to the planet and people.
Free Food Harlem is an initiative of Unconditional Freedom, a registered 501(c)3
Unconditional Freedom Tax ID # 91-2158747
Please contact info@unconditionalfreedom.org for questions related to tax deductions
Organization name: Unconditional Freedom
Bank name: Chase Bank
Bank address: 270 Park Avenue, 43rd floor New York, NY 10017
Account 608626217
Routing (Direct deposits & electronic payments) 021000021
Domestic wire transfers 021000021
International wire transfers CHASUS33
Donation by Check
Unconditional Freedom C/O Free Food Refettorio Harlem
28 W 132nd St
Unit 1B
New York, NY 10037
Become a Refettorio Friend
Major gifts support our capacity building to grow the number of meals we serve each day and the food we rescue. Take part in our seasonal soirees, giving forward.
Fundraise as an Individual
Lend your voice and time to help us raise critical support for programming. Join your colleagues, challenge your friends. Help us bring back the value of wasted food and nourish our neighbors.
Donate Food
We currently waste as much as 30% of food produced for human consumption. Waste often occurs because of a lack of knowledge about quality, freshness and date labels. So much that hits the bin is useable and delicious. How can you help?
Contact us to review what kind of food ingredients we accept for recovery. Help us zero our waste today!
Donate In-Kind
Each month we have a wish list of good and services that can bring valuable support to the team and our guests. Click to see our current list.
Partner with us
We are always looking to expand our network of partners to bring valuable support to those who need it most. Reach out to learn more about our program collaborations with CBO’s and agencies, philanthropic and corporate engagements and giving opportunities.
Host in our space
You can do well by doing good in choosing our space for your next Birthday party, corporate meeting or grassroots celebration. Each event becomes a charitable benefit helping to support the community where you live and work. We’d love to share our mission to make your event one to remember.
Stay in touch!
Subscribe to our mailing list to receive our latest news, volunteer opportunities and events. Please note that we do not sell or rent your personal data. You can learn more by reading our Privacy Policy.