Cooking is An Act of Love
In a world where many individuals are often unseen and overlooked due to their lived experiences and existing conditions; and where the USA alone wastes approximately 40% of its food supply, we need more places of inclusion where our actions create immediate impact to shape a more sustainable future. We are working to double our impact improving food security for socially vulnerable harlemites, unhoused neighbors, food insecure elders, veterans, families and a growing number of asylum seekers and refugees across New York City boroughs. With our doors open to guests for in-house hospitality meals, education programming and cultural events, we are here to help make a difference in the lives of many.
52,470.98 pounds of food saved (total to date)
27,390 meals
Available for Take-away, Delivered to Harlem CBOs and in street Outreach
4,548 fresh food pantry
Spring to date Each pantry @ 4 pounds fruit, 8 pounds vegetable.
3300 guests, 6000+ meals (Total Summer 2023)
Serving 27,000 meals, recovering more than 12,00 pounds of fresh foods.
Together with community partners, we served 600 meals weekly across Harlem neighborhoods preparing nutritious and cultural diverse meals for osically isolate and food insecure neighbors
In collaboration to serve several Community Based Organizations across Harlem, including PILLARS, African Services, No Women Left Behind and Children’s Aid; Food for Soul launched Refettorio Harlem’s Community Meals initiative in partnership with YAYB and Hot Bread Kitchen’s Food Entrepreneurship Program to rescue food surpluses and prepare 600 meals weekly serving Harlem's vulnerable food insecure neighbors and refugees while helping to put back at work chefs of the hospitality business sector. As restrictions lifted safely and renovations subsided, Refettorio Harlem connected services to its new home 37-41 West on 119th street.
November 2020, Thanksgiving week, alongside community partners and our main food recovery donor Baldor, began providing fresh produce and prepared meals to socially isolated and vulnerable neighbors across Harlem. Together the aim was to help alleviate extreme hunger and food insecurity exacerbated by COVID-19 and to initiate rapid community support as Refettorio renovations and development timeline adjusted to delays in material, construction and public health restrictions.